[中][ENG] 舞者的抗逆力 The Resilient Dancer
Optimizing Dancers’ Performance
The Resilient Dancer
Text: Brenton Surgenor

Photo: HKAPA School of Dance
The relentless pursuit of technical and artistic excellence can take a toll on dancers mentally as well as physically. Dancers need to be resilient to thrive in the dance world. But what does it mean to be a resilient dancer, and how can we work with dancers to help them develop the resilience they need to flourish?
Resilience is the ability to cope with stressful and difficult moments in life and is often described as a person’s ability to bounce back after challenging experiences. Resilience can also be seen as extra protection against the negative thoughts and feelings that come with life’s more difficult experiences. Whether they are faced with an injury, an unsuccessful audition, or performing badly in a dance class, by developing resilience dancers can cope with these and other major and minor life challenges.
Positive relationships play an important role in building the resilience of a dancer. This starts at a young age when family environments that provide structure and safety have positive effects on the development of psychological resilience. Dance training environments also have a major influence on building resilient dancers, as they provide structures and opportunities for students to learn and develop skills and talents. However, even if your early life experiences were not ideal for the development of resilience, research shows it is never too late to become a more resilient dancer. Here are two ways to help you and/or your dancers develop resilience.
Focus on Your Strengths
Rather than focus on what you are not good at, focus on what you are good at and use this to support areas of weakness. Before you can use your strengths, you will first need to identify what these are. The good news is everyone has strengths. These are the things that you are naturally good at and come easily to you, which is why sometimes it is difficult for us to recognize them as strengths.
Sometimes it is easier for others to see our strengths, so one way to identify your strengths is to sit with a good friend and ask them what they think your strengths are. This should lead to a very affirming conversation as your friend helps you identify all the things which you are great at doing. Another way to identify your strengths is to answer the following questions with a focus on the objective truth. This is no time for modesty, you are the only one who will see your answers, so be honest about the things you do best.
What is the best thing about you?
What do you like most about yourself?
What are you like when you are at your best?
What, or who brings out the best in you?
What is your most significant achievement?
How have your strengths helped you in the past?
How can your strengths help you in the future?
There is even an online questionnaire that can help you identify your top five character strengths (the VIA Brief Strengths Test: https://bit.ly/3uz5i8B). This is part of a research project by the University of Pennsylvania in the USA and requires registration with the programme. If you are interested in doing this, the questionnaire will give you a list of your character strengths and you may take the top five (discard the rest), pin the list to your fridge or in your locker and look at it every day to remind you of your character strengths.
Once you have identified your strengths, commit to using them in a new way at least once a week. It might be that you discover you are a really well organized person. Commit to looking for moments in your day when you notice how organized things are and how you have helped others (and yourself) with you excellent organizational skills. As you do this you will begin to see how being organized is a strength and that you are really good at it. You can also look to apply these strengths at times of difficulty.
If you have a great sense of humour, remember to use this when you encounter a challenge. Laugh it off, make a joke, and remember you may not have got the job you wanted but you are a fun person to be with and can always make people laugh.
Another way to develop resilience is to have a gratitude practice or to keep a gratitude journal. Research suggests that focusing on what we are thankful for has a significant and positive impact on our wellbeing. Starting a gratitude practice does not have to be a big effort and a great way to begin is to start with small activities. Start the day by thinking about something you are thankful for. It could be getting a good night’s sleep, speaking with a friend, or taking a class that inspired you. You could then start a gratitude journal where you write down three things that you are grateful for each day. These things might be as simple as a great yoga class, a healthy breakfast, or seeing improvement in your dance technique. By becoming aware of what we are grateful for, and taking note of these things, we can replace, or avoid altogether, the negative thoughts associated with difficult situations in life.
These are just two approaches to help care for ourselves and develop resilience. By developing resilience we are putting a reserve of positive energy in the tank for when things are difficult or when we are becoming preoccupied with negative events. Resilient dancers can maintain their self-efficacy (i.e. a personal judgment of how well (or poorly) you are able to cope in a given situation based on the skills you have and the situation encountered) and their confidence even when they are facing difficult and challenging situations. If you are interested in learning more ways to develop and maintain resilience check out some of the references below and learn more ways to thrive and flourish as dancers and in everything that you do.
Seligman, M.E., 2012. Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Simon and Schuster.
Duckworth, A., & Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The power of passion and perseverance (Vol. 234). New York, NY: Scribner.
Authentic Happiness website: www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu
Brenton Surgenor
Senior Lecturer in Dance Science at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
Brenton is a teacher, qualified psychotherapist, and wellness coach. He integrates a variety of somatic, physical, and psychological practices into his work, and is an active member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

攝:HKAPA School of Dance
1. 關於你最好的地方是甚麼?
2. 你最喜歡自己的甚麼?
3. 當你處於最佳狀態時,感覺是怎樣的?
4. 甚麼東西,或者誰,可以帶出你最好的一面?
5. 你最重要的成就是甚麼?
6. 你的優勢在過去對你有甚麼幫助?
7. 你的優勢在未來能如何幫助你?
另一種建立抗逆力的方法是練習感恩,或擁有一本記錄感恩的日記。研究建議當我們專注於所感恩的事物時, 會對我們的身心健康有著重大並且正面積極的影響。開始感恩練習並不一定需要特別大的努力,從小小的活動開始已經是非常好的方法。每天由想著一樣你感恩的事情開始,可以是一個質量很好的睡眠,與朋友的交談,或者上了一堂非常有啟發性的課。然後你可以開始編寫一本感恩日記,每日寫下當日你感恩的三件事。這些可以是很簡單的事情,例如上了一堂很棒的瑜伽課,吃了一頓健康的早餐,或者看到自己舞蹈技巧得到改善。透過意識到我們所感恩的事情並將他們記錄下來,我們便可以取代或完全避免聯想那些與生活中艱難處境相關的消極思想。
這只是其中兩種照顧自己並建立抗逆力的方法。通過建立及增強抗逆力,我們可以提前預留正面的能量,於遇到困難的情況下或過於擔心消極事件的時候使用。 具有抗逆力的舞者即使在面對困難和挑戰性的情況下,也能夠保持自我效能(例如能夠以自身擁有的技能及看清所需面對的情景,判斷自己能否勝任)和自信。 如果你有興趣學習更多開發和維持抗逆力的方法,請查閱以下的參考資料,並了解更多讓你在舞蹈以及其他方面都可以成功發展的方法。
This column is in collaboration with: School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts