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[中][ENG]杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會後記 Reflecting on Tanzmesse

8月,香港藝術發展局帶領60多名編舞家、舞蹈家及藝術行政人員參加德國杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會2016(internationale tanzmesse nrw 2016)。博覽會過後,我們與數位藝術家和監製回望德國之行的得與失,分享當中的感受,對個人以及對香港舞蹈藝術界的展望。

In August, Hong Kong Arts Development Council led a delegation of more than 60 choreographers, dance artists, and art administrators to internationale tanzmesse nrw (Tanzmesse) 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany. A few of the artists and producers who attended shared their feelings, aspirations, and visions for the Hong Kong dance community with the journal.


徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui 獨立舞蹈工作者 Independent Dance Artist​​

圖片來源Photo Credit: 101藝術新聞網截圖 Screen Shot


回到香港我一直思考:「到底香港環境是否適合創作?」博覽會期間我觀賞不少示範展演(Open Studio),見證動人作品背後創作人具規律及活力的生活。在香港,從缺的空間令人無暇感受藝術及投入創作,來去匆匆的生活,還未趕得上沉澱今天的排練,便開始計劃明天的工作。我相信平衡的生活模式,才能給予空間,誠實的面對自己。

When I got back to Hong Kong, I kept asking myself a question ‘Is Hong Kong a good place to nurture art and innovation?’ I attended a number of open studio sessions during Tanzmesse and saw that genuine ideas always come from artists who live with vitality and rhythm. Life in Hong Kong is a rush, leaving us no time to experience art. I never have a chance to think through my rehearsals because I am always occupied by the next day’s work. It is hard to create a good piece with such a tight living schedule. I believe a balance in our work / life is essential to allow us to be honest to ourselves.


許俊傑 Cyrus Hui 小龍鳳舞蹈劇場創辦人 Founder, Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater

許俊傑(右二)Cyrus Hui (second from the right) with dancers and choreographers 攝影photo credit: Janet Sinica



My theatre group, Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater, has been targeting Asian exchange opportunities and this trip to Germany further affirmed my decision to be based in Asia. Productions from the East with oriental elements are always welcomed by markets in the West. However, superficially imposing elements considered ‘oriental’ just to cater to audience tastes is not something I want to do. Therefore, I see a need to establish an exchange network that seeks a common ground in Asian culture.


馮樂恆 Victor Fung Victor Fung Dance創辦人 Founder, Victor Fung Dance

馮樂恆(右三)及其友人和舞者 Victor Fung (third from the right) with friends and dancers



As an independent artist, self-producer, and my own agent, I have been exploring ways to expand my audience. I am not saying serving the market is the only goal. But dance is a live art; connection between the piece and the audience sparks only for an instant. Audiences have different interpretations that vary with their different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, a choreographic piece should never decontextualize itself from the broader society. I have been learning how to present my productions to people I have never met. Tanzmesse was a testing arena, it was helpful in clarifying my multiple roles.


盧君亮 Andy Lo 獨立製作人Independent Producer

攝影photo credit: Janet Sinica



I was amazed at how mature and developed the European arts community network is. I learned ways to build long-term connections with producers and artists, instead of one-off collaborations. Hong Kong has been exporting a lot of local productions overseas, but it seems to me that we forget about bringing good productions back home. To many, Hong Kong stands in a position as stepping stone to Mainland China. I hope to seize this opportunity to establish a cultural and arts exchange network for the Chinese-speaking region. With the advantage of similar historical and cultural backgrounds, we can definitely help and learn the best

from each other.


王丹琦,Tanki Wong Neo Dance HK 聯合創辦人 Co-founder, Neo Dance HK

王丹琦(左)Tanki Wong (Left) 攝影photo credit: Janet Sinica



It was my second time attending Tanzmesse. Surprisingly it cured insomnia that had been bothering me, it seemed that I was enlightened or had let go of something. This experience made me recognize I am not talented in business. But on the other hand, it reassured my identity as an artist, rather than a producer. During the trip, I realized the most beautiful art does not necessarily happen in a theatre, but in daily life. It also made me reflect on ‘What is art?’. I look forward to research and ponder this question.


更正啟示 Correction Note 在《舞蹈手札》印刷本第18-5期第4頁,小龍鳳舞蹈劇場之英文譯名為「Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater」,特此更正。

On p.4, issue 18-5 of the journal, the English name for Cyrus Hui's dance company is "Siu Lung Fung Dance Theater".

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