[中][Eng] 舞跡可尋 In Search of a Dance Story

陳紹傑於BCDC夏日展演。Billy Chan at BCDC Summer Showcase 2015.
Synergizing Hong Kong's Street Dance Forces
街舞進入香港多年,習舞朋友眾多。陳紹傑舞蹈概念(Billy Chan Dance Concept,下稱BCDC)於90年代成立,創辦人Billy多年來懷著教育推廣的信念,把街舞介紹給大眾,傳承至今。另一邊廂,圈內亦有年輕一輩為凝聚一眾愛好者,推出手機應用程式(APP),鼓勵交流,讓街舞資訊流通,共享有限資源。
Street dance has been part of Hong Kong’s dance scene for many years and has scores of practitioners. Billy Chan Dance Concept (BCDC) was established in the 1990s, with the of aim introducing and educating the public about street dance. Today, the latest generation of street dancers has introduced a new app as aplatform to encourage sharing of resources and information, with the goal of bringing the broad range of street dance lovers together.
堅守與傳承 Persistence and Pass it On
Billy於1988年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國舞,在1988 至1997 年間受聘於香港舞蹈團時認識了Hip Hop老師Rico Tsoi,被街舞文化吸引,故此1999年成立BCDC,可謂本地老字號舞蹈教室之一。他受訪時正身穿BCDC出品的黑色風衣,分享對於印在手臂的白色字樣「攻心為上」的理念:「我的教育在於如何用心分享、傳承,用真誠打動別人。」為了支持街舞文化,BCDC主動贊助不少街舞比賽,並資助得獎者到外國進修舞技、開闊眼界,傳承街舞文化。成立十八年,BCDC現時有不少導師亦曾是Billy在大學培育的學生。
Billy Chan graduated in 1988 from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese Dance. From 1988 to 1997, while still a dancer for the Hong Kong Dance Company, he became acquainted with hip hop teacher Rico Tsoi, and grew fascinated with the dance form and subsequently established BCDC, which is now one of Hong Kong’s well-known and established street dance studios. During the interview, Chan wore a black BCDC windbreaker and pointed to the four words “Gong Xiang Wei Xin” printed on the right sleeve. “My educational motto is about sharing, inheritance, and moving people with the heart.” Chan said. To support street dance culture, BCDC has not only sponsored street dance competitions, but also subsidized winners to advance their studies abroad, expanding their horizons while passing on the street dance culture. Having been established for 18 years, several BCDC instructors were Chan’s students while they were studying at university.
Studios are the center of the triangular relationship among studio, students, and instructors. The teacher-student relationship can be likened to that of a family and not just limited to street dance; they have a connection in life. Following the establishment of BCDC in the 1990s a new wave of street dance studios and educational centers has come into existence. Under a commercialized model of operation that most dance studios follow, there is a lot of pressure about how to manage dance education. Teachers not only need to polish their image, but go around promoting their courses. Nevertheless, Chan still emphasizes quality, and is not ready to sacrifice such value to follow trends.
「我當然想做到普及,但亦重視舞技、質素,所以會專注栽培有恆心、認真想學街舞的學生。」 Billy深信群體比個人的力量更為強大,一間舞室作為一個基地、總部,多年來為街舞者提供空間及平台供舞者互相學習及磨練,令舞者心有歸屬,扎好了「根」,就能強壯地成長,然後無垠地開花及結果。
“However much I would like to popularize street dance, what shouldn’t be overlooked is dance technique and quality, reasons why I put so much energy in educating those who really want to learn well.” Chan believes in teamwork. With the dance studio serving as a base, a headquarters, and becoming a space for cooperative learning and a place for dancers to belong, having found their footing, dancers can grow strong and flourish with their art.

Group Photo of Chan with BCDC’s instructors.
攝:Photo Credit: AKA. APEKAY
穿針引線 Leading as a Facilitator
多年來本港街舞質素均有所提升,每年總有香港代表到外國進行世界性競技如Street Dance Kemp(SDK)、Old School Night等,但總體欠缺凝聚力,令街舞群就像「沒有門柄的門」,外界難以進入圈子,讓文化普及。有見及此,幾位跳霹靂舞(Breaking)的舞者—MC、阿勇和雷青毅然創建手機APP Diggin’HK,專為推廣及鞏固街舞文化。
Although there has been a rise in the quality of street dance in Hong Kong, and every year, we can see groups representing Hong Kong at international contests such as Street Dance Kemp (SDK) and Old School Night, there is still a lack of cohesion in the scene. Outsiders find it hard to break into the field, making the popularization of street dance immensely difficult. In view of this, several break dancers – MC, Brave, and Lui Ching, have expressly developed Diggin’HK, an app to promote and consolidate Hong Kong’s street dance culture.

Splash screen of the free public download and usage app, Diggin’HK
針對向大眾推廣文化並緊密地連接舞者關係,他們以「舞室—練習—比賽—音樂」為綱領, 擔任「中間人」的角色,整合本港舞室資訊、拓展練習及交流的渠道,並提供有關街舞比賽和音樂資訊。希望讓有意或初學舞的大眾可透過Diggin’HK得到更多圈內資訊,並促使他們進步及主動與其他舞者交流。
As far as public promotion is concerned, “Studio-Practice-Contest-Music” is their guiding principle, and they act as “facilitator”, to integrate dance studio information, develop practice and exchange channels, and provide news concerning all the street dance contests and music around town. Through Diggin’HK, they hope to get more beginners involved in the circle, and encourage them to get involved in more exchanges with established dancers.
他們形容這個app是「from dancers, for dancers」(取於舞者,還於舞者)。MC指:「例如舞者經常想有伙伴一起練舞,卻依賴臉書『尋人』,帖文猶如對海呼喊」。Diggin’HK作為平台,由使用者發帖貢獻資訊:分享練舞地點、舞種、喇叭供應等情況,召集舞者一同練習。雖然現時香港有眾多街舞活動和比賽,但宣傳往往無法觸及大眾而演變小圈子活動,甚少「街外人」支持,所以他們希望「做大個餅」:「除了積極到各間舞室推廣這個APP,亦計劃著手向中學、大學推廣,並尋找更多合作伙伴。」
Diggin’HK is an app that is truly “From dancers and for dancers”. MC says, “When dancers want to call out for partners to dance with, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook. But it’s like crying out to the sea.” Diggin’HK as a platform, allows users to contribute by posting information on dance practice locations, dance forms, and audio resources. There have been numerous street dance activities and contests in Hong Kong, but promotion has not reached out to the public, resulting in having these be exclusively for just the few insiders. Therefore, they hope to branch out. “Apart from actively promoting the app to every dance studio, we plan to expand our reach to secondary and tertiary institutions, and find more partners for collaboration.”
The Diggin’HK platform has not just altered the dynamics among street dancers, but also between the dancers and the public. Working as a web-based linked community, the physical presence of the studio complements what is inherently lacking in this virtual platform. With the studio serving as the nucleus of the communal atmosphere of the dance practice, through perseverance and tenacity, the street dance culture of Hong Kong is bound to turn a new leaf in the foreseeable future.

(From left) Brave, MC, Lui Ching.
圖Photo: Diggin’HK