
青年學院的到校介紹和畢業作品發佈會 Visiting Youth College Arrival Presentation and Graduation Presentation(照片由長春社提供 Photo provided by The Conservancy Association)
他回想多年前在演藝學院學習舞台設計,當時「注重的是一種藝術創作」,講求佈景結構安全而美觀合用,「至於是否環保,演後可否重用,當年就沒有聽過。」但七年前,他到香港知專設計學院任教,發現學院內的其他設計課程比較注重永續議題,不論是時裝設計、建築設計等,「每個設計課程都有sustainability這一科」。當時學校問及佈景設計在永續方面的要求,他只能回答「香港真係冇乜喎」。現在他和同事在課程設計上都會參考其他設計課程,引入環保元素,例如請學生嘗試運用收集得來的物資製作mini performances,而暫時這些都是處於實驗狀態。
她認為,其他設計行業面對的永續要求,表演藝術界也將會在尋求贊助時遇到。現時永續發展已成大型機構的社會責任,機構需要定期發佈ESG報告,因此贊助藝術創作時,必會檢視創作會否有損機構的環保得分,甚至引發公關問題,而如果創作既能探討環保議題,又能以環保方式製作,將較容易獲得贊助。「藝團便會更願意注重環保,我們環保團體便可以這個形式參與和拉近距離。 」

2017年 香港知專設計學院同學參與環保藝術裝置設計及製作 HKDI students participated in the design and production of eco-art installations(照片由徐碩朋提供 Photo provided by Allan Tsui)

到理工大學為學生的產品設計作品提出環保意見 Providing environmental feedback on product design works for students at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(照片由長春社提供 Photo provided by The Conservancy Association)
Interviews: Sustainable development of performing arts production in Hong Kong: current status and future outlook
Text: Crystal Yip
Translator: Penny Zhou
In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals in response to the various existential challenges facing the world because of climate change. Recently, sustainability has become an increasingly discussed topic in the global performing arts industry. The grassroots initiative Theatre Green Book UK was introduced in 2021, followed by the establishment of STAGES (Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift) in 2022 by 14 organisations around the world. In Hong Kong, where a waste-charging scheme will soon come into effect for the first time, green practices are something that all sectors must prepare themselves for. In this article, we talk to a number of local performing arts professionals including Council Member and Dance Group Chair of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), Tung Siu-hung; stage designer Allan Tsui; the Conservancy Association’s Education Manager Terence Tang and Branding & Development Manager Lingli Ling, who shared their views and observations on the development of sustainable production in Hong Kong's performing arts sector.

2017年香港知專設計學院同學參與環保藝術裝置設計及製作 HKDI students participated in the design and production of eco-art installations.(照片由徐碩朋提供 Photo provided by Allan Tsui)
Production ecology hinders development
In Hong Kong, environmental concerns are still primarily addressed through the themes of productions, not the way productions themselves are managed. Tung Siu-hung of HKADC observed that the topics of environmental protection or climate change can easily be found in many works by professional dance companies and dance competitions.
However, in terms of the actual production itself, Allan Tsui admits that sustainable development has not been happening fast enough. He attributes the root cause of this problem to the overall ecological system of Hong Kong’s performing arts sector.
Most local theatres lack the space to construct and store sets; as a result, the industry relies heavily on outside set production companies, who themselves cannot afford Hong Kong rents, salaries and other expenses and therefore mostly choose to run their operations from Shenzhen. This kind of set-up entails a lot of transportation and communication costs—a problem that has only become worse in the past two decades.
With cities big and small in Mainland China experiencing rapid growth, every decade or so set manufacturers receive government notices requesting them to move further away from urban areas. The reason is simple: large shopping malls are being built near factories, inflating land prices and making waste discharge almost impossible. As a result, these areas are no longer suitable for manufacturers. The more remote the location of the manufacturing operations, the higher the transportation costs and the more difficult it is for creative teams from Hong Kong to inspect the sets in person and communicate with the set-makers.
In contrast, Tsui recalls his experience when he once designed sets for the Guangzhou Repertory Theatre. The set workshop was located right behind the stage and had storage space. He brought in his design drawings and selected suitable sets from those in storage for reuse. Meanwhile, the theatre company’s in-house set-makers wasextremely familiar with the venue, which in turn saved a lot of communication and transportation time.
Another challenge is that the running period for stage shows is generally shorter in Hong Kong and reruns are relatively rare, hence it’s not cost-effective for companies to rent space just to store the sets. As a result, most stage sets tend to be discarded after the initial run of performances. "Once a vocalist from New York came to perform in Hong Kong, and was shocked when I said that it’s common practice here to discard freshly made sets after the performance,” Tsui recalls. He adds that in Europe and the US people are using more eco-friendly materials for productions and finding ways to reuse components, in addition there are companies that rent out props and sets. However, in Hong Kong, such rental companies only specialise in traditional Chinese operas and none of them offer materials for modern productions.
Tsui remembers that, in the year of his graduation, the then Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa visited the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. “I was a student representative at that time and Mr. Tung asked me what I thought the government could do to help the industry. I said we needed space to produce and store sets. He told me that the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) was going to be built in the future and that would solve these problems. Well, that turned out not to be the case—WKCD doesn’t have any space for set storage or production."
The inadequacy of WKCD is a direct result of inadequate policy. Tsui points out that the government doesn’t currently have any environmental protection provisions regarding theatrical design and construction. “For example, the government could’ve allotted more space for theatres so they’d have room to produce and store sets, which could save transportation costs and time. With hundreds of performances a year, this could greatly reduce carbon emissions in the long run.” The Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers, of which he is a member, has sent representatives to attend government consultation sessions countless times in the past, but most of their suggestions for improving theatre operations were ignored.
The impending waste-charging scheme could potentially serve as a turning point. “With waste-charging, if the goal really is environmental protection, there need to be other supporting measures put in place for it to be implemented effectively," Tsui says. He hopes to see experts take environmental protection into consideration when designing theatres and introduce relevant regulations. He would also like to see the government provide policy incentives to encourage those with the necessary financial resources and capabilities to set up social enterprises or dedicated spaces for set production and rental, and to preserve and reuse well-made sets.
Sustainability an inescapable trend
Besides the limitations of the current production ecology, Tsui believes that another reason for the sluggish development of sustainable production is the industry’s overall lack of environmental awareness—perhaps since outsourcing set-making is the usual practice, the environmental issues that come with it become someone else’s problem, too, he posits. He doesn’t know of any environmental protection-related discussions carried out in the arts groups he frequently works with, and sustainability-driven changes in stage design have been few and far between.
The only example he could think of was that, when tungsten filament lamps—which were commonly used on stage to achieve certain visual effects—became hard to find after an EU ban, lighting designers chose to switch to LED lights. "When it comes to sustainability, we only do something when we are ‘forced’ to do it, we don’t do it proactively ," he says.
He recalls that years ago, when he was studying stage design at the HKAPA, “the focus was on artistic creation” and sets had to be structurally safe, practical and aesthetically pleasing. "As for whether sets were environmentally sustainable or reusable after the performance, there was no such discussion at that time." However, he says that when teaching at the Hong Kong Design Institute seven years ago, he found that sustainability was a priority topic in other curricula. From fashion to architecture, "sustainability was a subject taught in every design course", but when the institute asked him about sustainability requirements in set design, he had to tell the truth: “There’s nothing of the sort in Hong Kong.” Nowadays, he and his colleagues conscientiously incorporate sustainability elements from other design courses into their own course—for example, asking students to stage “mini performances” using found materials. But for the time being, these initiatives are still at an experimental stage.
Lingli Ling , Branding & Development Manager at the Conservancy Association, has also observed the increasing focus on environmental protection in higher education course design. Tertiary education institutions have realised that sustainable design is a global trend and are actively incorporating it into their curricula in order to keep up with the times and ensure the competitiveness of their graduates, she notes.
In recent years, several local colleges and universities have reached out to the Conservancy Association for advice on environmental protection issues. In one instance, about four years ago the Association was invited by the Youth College to visit the campus at the beginning of each semester and teach students how to best comply with environmental standards—such as finding the right materials and suppliers—when running activities and carrying out graduation projects. Employees from the Association also serve on the judging panel of the graduation project showcase, offering students suggestions on improving sustainability. Recently, the Association was invited by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to provide similar input for their students' product designs.
Ling believes that the time has come for the performing arts sector to meet the same sustainability requirements faced by the design industry when seeking sponsorship. With sustainable development an integral part of corporate social responsibility, large organisations are required to publish ESG reports on a regular basis. Therefore, when it comes to art sponsorship, they are careful to assess whether an artistic project is likely to harm their ESG score or even cause potential PR problems. Conversely, if the project has an environmental protection theme and moreover is produced in an eco-friendly way, that will make it easier to obtain sponsorship. “Art groups now have a lot of incentives to pay more attention to sustainability, which provides space for environmental groups like us to participate in the process and build closer relationships with them.”
Exploration through collaboration
So what’s next for the performing arts community in terms of sustainability? What concrete steps should it take? Tsui thinks that first of all, advocacy groups in the industry should put forward ideas, hold lectures, and introduce case studies of sustainable production from around the world “To let everyone know, 'hey, we are lagging behind in Hong Kong.’—knowing that you’re lagging behind is the first step to setting goals so you can move forward.” Once the goals are set, he adds, the real work is figuring out how to achieve them. However, since no environmental policy applicable to the performing arts industry currently exists in Hong Kong, the sector needs to explore the way forward on its own.
Terence Tang, Education Manager at the Conservancy Association, remembers that about seven years ago a small, young amateur performing arts group took the initiative to reach out and ask him for suggestions on how to make their productions more eco-friendly—for example, how to dispose of Styrofoam take-out lunch boxes. “I was deeply moved by their thoughtfulness,” he says, adding that if an individual art group wants to explore sustainable practices for their productions, they can aim to gradually reduce carbon emissions on two fronts: waste reduction and energy conservation. The former can be achieved through the selection, reuse and recycling of production materials, while the latter involves the management of on-site energy use and transportation arrangements. He recommends starting small and slowly adjusting existing practices to eventually find a model that fits one’s specific needs.
As for the sector as a whole, Tsui thinks that it can step up to fill in the gaps and introduce industry-specific guidelines to promote the development of sustainable production. Actions are in fact being taken: the Hong Kong Design Institute has internal green guidelines for its productions, exhibitions and other activities; the Environmental Protection Department published A Waste Reduction Guidebook for Large Scale Event Organisers in 2017; and the Conservancy Association launched its own green event guidebook in 2019, which serves as a reference for activities such as orienteering and carnivals.
Tang stresses that the creation of guidelines must be driven by industry insiders, with participation from green groups and other relevant sectors, and that the successful implementation of such guidelines can only be achieved through mutual trust and collaboration. As an environmental professional, he says that what he hates to see the most is the setting of rigid rules and unrealistic standards solely for the sake of “environmental protection”, because “having impractical guidelines will only backfire”.
“In the initial phase of implementation, we should allow individualised consultations on top of the general guidelines," Ling suggests, adding that this could foster the overall development of sustainable productions while being mindful of different needs and situations to avoid letting “one-size-fits-all” requirements hinder artistic creation. She further notes that set production has safety requirements to meet, and certain commonly used materials currently don’t have suitable environmentally-friendly alternatives; also, set-makers need time to adapt to new practices. Therefore there has to be room for gradual adjustment, allowing the industry to take one step at a time to solve the various problems without rushing things. Once more and more people are willing to adopt green practices, the industry will come together naturally as one voice and be able to engage in discussions with the government on introducing relevant policies and measures.
Tung Siu-hung from HKADC concurs, suggesting a “going out and inviting people in” approach to build a platform for exchange and discussion with different sectors, including engineering and design, in order to ultimately enhance mutual understanding and creative expression. She agrees that the path to eco-friendly productions is indeed full of challenges, but believes that “as long as it sends a positive message to society, the public and young people, it’s something we must work hard to achieve."
Crystal Yip
People are drawn to sparkly eyes because they want to know what those eyes are seeing.