[Eng] Interview with Dr Alys Longley
1. During the discussion among Dr Alys Longley, Brenton Surgenor and dancers. Dancer, choreographer, writer, practice led researcher,...
[中] 以舞蹈表達,用文字反思- 《Preposition of Life》編舞與觀眾的對話
以言語表達不是顏堅輝(Joseph)的專長,那他如何與舞者溝通?舞蹈作品《Preposition of Life》的編舞Joseph這樣說﹕「我通常會與舞者捉住一些感覺去實踐(work),而當那種感覺令我有感,就會保留;如果無,就繼續找。」...
[中][Eng] 兩個獎項之間,兩個生命階段 Between Two Awards and Two Stages of Life
1. 華琪鈺於2015年獲得最值得表揚女舞蹈員獎。 Tina Hua received the award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer in 2015. 攝影 Photographer:Mark...
[中][Eng] 舞蹈裡的光與影The Light and Shadow in Dance
1. 黎宇文於2015年獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發最值得表揚舞蹈錄像及攝影獎項。 Maurice Lai receives the award for Outstanding Achievement in Video and Photography for Dance in...
[中][Eng] 與Wayne McGregor同創大世界 Thinking Big with Wayne McGregor
西九文化區的地盤總是在施工中,地面上滿佈大洞和一堆堆的鋼筋,棚架覆蓋著裸露的混凝土,半建成的天橋止於半空。這看似一片混亂,但西九文化區管理局(西九)的工作卻並不只是工程管理。儘管最快落成的場館也還需年月才能開幕,舞蹈場地要更遲才能建成,西九所辦的活動卻越見積極。 The...